Friday, June 14, 2013


  • Pass to the hip
  • Throw behind
  • Spin the ball sideways
  • One hand at the front, one hand at the back
  • Have your hands ready where you want to receive the ball
  • Swing your hands over your hips
  • When you have the ball, run forwards
  • Step into your pass
I went good and it was freaky because i did not want to fall over onto the concrete and if i fell                                      over on the concrete that would be sore. i sped up and got the try. i am at the try line
And i felt good when i got the try.



  1. Great reflection Jack.
    You were great at ripper.
    Well done.

  2. WOW! fantastic writing keep up the good work.
    It sounds like you are really good at ripper.
    Well done.
