Wednesday, December 11, 2013

In the week we went to the top team we were calling to try be in the sport pals i would like to be a sport pal so they know im good at sport

we had to do hand signs on every corner we all had some fun. and before we went safe cycling on the road we did a rotation. the best was street biking i do not know the rest so do not take to me.

When we went in the pool we had rings that you could sit in them and ride around and i was going fast as you could not see me.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

History of Bikes

on this bike it does not have any pedals you  would have to walk it.

this time it has pedals. but the betulus are on the wheels that is weird.

this one has one big  wheel at the front and one small one at the back.

this one has one small wheel and two big at the back and the pedals are not on the wheels

this one has a big one at the back and one small one at the back of the bike.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

when we did mathematics. All of the lines had to be ruled. I went good all of my lines where sprat. you can not do free hand because it has to be shrat

the lines. you could do a shape in the middle of the
Race a Speedboat
Can you make a paper boat race across the water just by gently touching the surface of the water?
Hypothesis (What I think will happen)
the boat will go fast because the liquid will go udar the boat.  

Colored card, washing up liquid, pencil or sharpie, scissors, large container of water.

Method (What we did)
what we will we had to get liquid and put one hand in the water.

Observation (What happened)

the boat went to the other side and crashed.

Conclusion (Why I think it happened)
because the liquid went behind the boat and it will push.

Short Experiment to Follow Up
Make Metal Float
Gently place a paperclip on the water’s surface.

Hypothesis (What I think will happen)
it won't work.

Observation (What happened)
will when we put the paper pin went under the water.

Conclusion (Why I think it happened)
i think it happened because the pin was to heve    

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cup Experiment

on friday we did a cup experiment and the experiment was so fun and I got to have a go on the cup experiment i had a go with a wine cup.
you had to have your two fingers on the card.
what card you need…………….. well you can use any card.

When you turn the cup over the cardboard will stay on the cup.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Why do people hunt and kill elephants? because they want to eat elephants.

What have people who live around the park been told not to do? not to kill the elephants or eat any of the meat they find.
What does the word poacher mean? someone who kills the animals without permission.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Yesterday we went yachting/kayaking it looks like we all had some fun out there yesterday. the good thing was that the boat did not capsize
when me and Flynn  went to turn the boat we just about capsize
me and Flynn could not stop laughing and we had to go back to where we all park own boats.

When we went kayaking we all had to kayaking around all of the boats and when we were kayaking we saw a lot of big boats.

When me and Jared went yachting he was not happy so I started to make him be all happy and he said to me to take him back and I did but when I got back i told him that I will help him on the boat.
I helped him do the mainsheet he started to feel better and i think I was a good teacher.                    

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

parkvale learn

  • bring your school clothes
  • bring the shoes that you like
  • bring your happy face
  • bring your brain

                             how to be a parkvale kid
When you get to school hang your bag up and play around. When the bell rings you get your hp mini out and do comments. Soon it will be brainfood time. At  brainfood time you should have something that is healthy for your  brain.

Maths Time: we do studylander or list 123456 if you are stuck like me you miss the one that you are stuck on and ask the guy next to you for help.  
                                           After brainfood
After brainfood time:  We do writing Miss Garland will say what we can do but we always do cool as writing. I am doing it right now. What I am doing right now we are doing how to be a parkvale learner when you be a parkvale learner you must show your parkvale school manners .

                                     morning   tea
morning tea: You get to have some  fun,  you can play with the kids that do  handball,  ball tag or you can just walk around.


The library is full of cool interesting books. You can go at lunch time to get books out or its a nice quiet place to hang out.

sports:you should go At parkvale school we do a lot of sports. We have rugby,soccer, netball. t ball, ripper, miniball, canoe polo and hockey. You need to sign up and then you get in a team and you should practice at home to get better and to help your team out.






Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Yacht Rflctione

Yacht - reflection

Yesterday we made yachts. We had to make instructions. For the instructions. We had to find all of the parts that we need to used.

That the yacht looks like a rev boat.
The sail was a cool color it was my best color .

We need the sail would stand up more better.
We need a tiller so it can turn when when we take for a practise.

Add a tiller so it can turn.  


Thursday, August 01, 2013


In the weekend our family celebrated. There was my bro called baybrae that win the race
and my uncle antea,mum,dad,grandad,grandma,.The track was jumy and the track was long.
The motorbike was next to the river. The brand was a xr but it is it faster than my   motorbike.
it is a two wheeler but it has a better suspension. The color of his motorbike is orange and black.
It was $1000. He bought it with his own money and his mum and dad were lucky because they didn’t have to buy it. He has won the races a lot of races. I would say about 21 and he is only 4. He can do a whip in the air. Like a plane striking in the air.   

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

dress day

Today at school we had to dress up as a guy that they like. I dress up as jack from jack and the pension
but i did it look like one

assembly item

Friday, June 14, 2013


  • Pass to the hip
  • Throw behind
  • Spin the ball sideways
  • One hand at the front, one hand at the back
  • Have your hands ready where you want to receive the ball
  • Swing your hands over your hips
  • When you have the ball, run forwards
  • Step into your pass
I went good and it was freaky because i did not want to fall over onto the concrete and if i fell                                      over on the concrete that would be sore. i sped up and got the try. i am at the try line
And i felt good when i got the try.


Thursday, June 06, 2013

Crazy City

Question 1: 35km Animal town to dinosaur drive then Egg Environment then Banana City.
Question2 :for one day 50km. in a week i do 250 kilometers a week

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013


I got stuck on the hongi because I  smacked my head on the other head and it got sore after a while. I find the maori language hard to speak.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


When I was a little kid i was training on a motorbike.I tried to do a jam but...i failed and my whole face was covered in blood.I had to go to hospital for a week. It was boring I looked like a vampire sucking a person.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Nogard

WALT Visualise as we read
We will know we can do this when we can...
Imagine a picture in your head
Look for clue words (key information)
The picture changes as you read more
Keep rereading until you have got it
You might close your eyes