Monday, September 23, 2013


Yesterday we went yachting/kayaking it looks like we all had some fun out there yesterday. the good thing was that the boat did not capsize
when me and Flynn  went to turn the boat we just about capsize
me and Flynn could not stop laughing and we had to go back to where we all park own boats.

When we went kayaking we all had to kayaking around all of the boats and when we were kayaking we saw a lot of big boats.

When me and Jared went yachting he was not happy so I started to make him be all happy and he said to me to take him back and I did but when I got back i told him that I will help him on the boat.
I helped him do the mainsheet he started to feel better and i think I was a good teacher.                    

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

parkvale learn

  • bring your school clothes
  • bring the shoes that you like
  • bring your happy face
  • bring your brain

                             how to be a parkvale kid
When you get to school hang your bag up and play around. When the bell rings you get your hp mini out and do comments. Soon it will be brainfood time. At  brainfood time you should have something that is healthy for your  brain.

Maths Time: we do studylander or list 123456 if you are stuck like me you miss the one that you are stuck on and ask the guy next to you for help.  
                                           After brainfood
After brainfood time:  We do writing Miss Garland will say what we can do but we always do cool as writing. I am doing it right now. What I am doing right now we are doing how to be a parkvale learner when you be a parkvale learner you must show your parkvale school manners .

                                     morning   tea
morning tea: You get to have some  fun,  you can play with the kids that do  handball,  ball tag or you can just walk around.


The library is full of cool interesting books. You can go at lunch time to get books out or its a nice quiet place to hang out.

sports:you should go At parkvale school we do a lot of sports. We have rugby,soccer, netball. t ball, ripper, miniball, canoe polo and hockey. You need to sign up and then you get in a team and you should practice at home to get better and to help your team out.






Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Yacht Rflctione

Yacht - reflection

Yesterday we made yachts. We had to make instructions. For the instructions. We had to find all of the parts that we need to used.

That the yacht looks like a rev boat.
The sail was a cool color it was my best color .

We need the sail would stand up more better.
We need a tiller so it can turn when when we take for a practise.

Add a tiller so it can turn.