Thursday, April 17, 2014

Flax rock

 flax rock!On friday my class went to flax rock the climb centre. It was tall as I bet my family can't climb it      FlaxRock (1).JPGbecause they don't have the guts to do it. It was about 30 meter or 70 meter tall. The first one I did was Mr M's one. That one was the hardest out of all of them I got about half way but  I went up just one more step. I yelled out to Mr M. I said can you put me down. How much times did you I touch the top? I touched the top about 10 or 9 times. But man that was so FUN I wish I could live there for my whole life.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


 This is how to make a whirlpool
             This is how I make whirlpools
                                    by Jack Wilkinson

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My Oscar

                               This is what my brother does

                                     By Jack Wilkinson SC55201543 14040113080 (1).jpg

I AM...

This is my I am poem.